This month’s EA showcase is the very vibrant Marie Chalker from the Department of Industry. We sat down to talk with Marie and learn more about her and what she values about being an Executive Assistant.

Hello, I’m Marie Chalker, I work in the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. I’ve been with the Department for 19 ½ years in total and I’ve been an Executive Assistant for seven of those years.
What do you love most about your role?
What I enjoy most about my role is that I like assisting my General Manager (SES Band 1) and supporting my branch. I’m quite an outgoing person, so I enjoy the interaction I have with our team.
I love things to be organised and structured and I really like my Executive to be scheduled and prepared.
I also think it’s great to have a team of other EAs in my division, it makes work more enjoyable, as we all support each other and have fun at work.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Don’t compare yourself to others. Ever.
What skills do you possess which you believe are crucial to your EA role?
I’m highly organised, approachable and willing to help anyone. I don’t see my role as a singular support person to an SES officer, because I enjoy variety and I enjoy team work.
I also think you need to be friendly, honest and demonstrate your flexibility.
What is the one thing you cannot do without in your job?
My laptop. I couldn’t live without my laptop!
What advice would you give other EAs thinking about changing companies/employers?
I’ve had a few changes in my career, but honestly, I would say that you need to be yourself and show your perspective employer your true personality. You don’t want to leave a good working relationship, for another position where you might not have the same cohesion with the Executive.
What’s up next in your career?
I like the administration elements to my role, I’m a natural organiser. If I were to consider another role or promotion it would need to have those elements at the core. What I love about my current position is the team I’m surrounded by and the great work and life balance. I can come into work, contribute, and make the most of my day, but when I leave the office, my work life doesn’t seep into my personal time.