EA Showcase | Jazmon Driscoll

This month’s EA showcase is the wonderful Jazmon Driscoll, Executive Assistant.

Our goal is to raise the profile of EAs with a view to build awareness of the Executive Assistant role by sharing the diversity that the role entails, continue to share tips and tricks, encourage each other and talk about the journey in which we all take.

Please share, share and share in support of your peers!

If you know an EA or would like to contribute and share a little about yourself, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.

Your CEA Team X

1. Please introduce yourself; what is your name and how long have you been an EA?

Jazmon Driscoll and I’ve been an Executive Assistant for 6 years.

2. What did your first day as an EA look like?

Very busy and wasn’t sure what to expect on my first day.

3. From your first day to now, how has your definition of the EA role changed?

So much more than arranging meetings, I have gained valuable knowledge being an EA with working in a variety of Government Departments and assisting SES which become our own team.

4. What do you consider to be the most rewarding aspect of your position as an EA?

Achievement in regards to working out a problem with competing priorities throughout the day and making it run as smooth as possible, job satisfaction.

5. What do you consider to be the most difficult part of your day?

Jumping between competing priorities throughout the day with multiple interruptions and not finalising a task.

6. What skills do you possess that you believe is crucial to your EA role?

Trust and Confidentiality is crucial as an EA with your manager.

7. What role have you owned, or what experience have you had, that helped shape your EA career?

Taking up the EA role in a new division newly created getting the exposure of acting as a senior EA and this has helped me realise I want to be an EA long term.

8. What is the most exciting opportunity you have had as an EA?

At my first stint at PM&C I got the opportunity to help set up a new division within National Security which was rewarding and challenging 🙂

9. What are 3 items you can’t work without?


Water bottle


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