This month’s EA showcase is of the wonderful Samantha Paterson, Executive Assistant for the Corporate Services Branch, within the Australian Electoral Commission.
Our goal is to raise the profile of EAs with a view to build awareness of the Executive Assistant role by sharing the diversity that the role entails, continue to share tips and tricks, encourage each other and talk about the journey in which we all take.
Please share, share and share in support of your peers!
If you know an EA or would like to contribute and share a little about yourself, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.
Your CEA Team X

Samantha Paterson

1.Name your current role?
Executive Assistant/Branch Project Officer, for the Corporate Services Branch, within the Australian Electoral Commission.
2. Do you remember the first day you became an EA?
Yes, November 2018 to my former supervisor Robyn. I was her EA for a short 6 months, but I LOVED my position in her team. I have just moved across to my new branch Corporate Services, it is much bigger. I am now assisting not 30 but just under 100 team members and I can already tell this role will be just as busy and just as rewarding as my previous!
3. What would you consider to be the most rewarding part of your position as an EA?
Having someone rely solely upon you to manage his or hers daily workflow/calendar and even some days personal life is a rewarding job in itself. You can really tell as an EA when your supervisor or team are thankful for all the hard work that you have been putting in to make their lives easier. I am passionate about my responsibilities and thrive off achievements noted by my branch members and supervisor.

4. What was a role that you have owned or an experience you have had, that helped shaped your success in your current position?
I previously worked within the private sector for just over 4 years; my most valuable role was within Calvary John James private hospital as an administration assistant. Not only did it teach me the fundamentals of a good work ethic for example how to work early & late shifts, how to remain forever flexible and resilient towards the daily challenges one faces working in a hospital environment, but also how to be sympathetic towards everyone from every walk of life. It taught me the importance of good communication with not only my coworkers & supervisor but with our stakeholders (patients). How to build solid relationships with people from all over the world, from as young as babies to the elderly. It was such a rewarding job and I will always be thankful for the things I learnt during my time at John James. Along with the above I learnt the value of prioritising each and ALL my tasks, working strictly off a to do list and the importance of LOVING my job because I spend 5 days out of 7 here a week and will for the next 50 something years, if not longer. I need to feel happy here.
5. What are three items you can’t work without?
- My outlook calendar/diary.
- My Voss water bottle! (I am much better focused when I am hydrated).
- TO DO LISTS (at work and at home and on the weekends – I have so many lists).